Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Good morning Trinity Tribe!

I hope all is well with you this morning!

This morning I have been thinking about how people measure time differently because of their experiences. This morning at 6am we hear loud thumps and the dogs went ballistic. Mark went outside to investigate to discover the roofers had arrived and were setting up for the day of re-roofing the parsonage. They thought that 6am was a perfectly good time to begin the work day. As hot as their work is, I certainly agree. However, it would have been nice to know they were coming that early so that we were prepared.

On Monday, the medical technician took Mark back to be prepped for surgery and told me to wait in the waiting area. A call comes through on the waiting area phone later. The nurse calls to inform me that he had gone into surgery. What? I didn't get to pray with him? I didn't get to say goodbye? I didn't get a last "I love you" in? They were in a rush, so letting me say good-bye and I love you would have taken too much time. Two minutes was too much time.

We, as Christians, also measure time differently. For us, today is not all there is. Today isn't the end of the story. Even death isn't the end of the story for us. In Revelation 21 the writer explains the end of time this way, "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea." This time will end. This earth as we know it, will end. Things will change and be renewed. It is hard for us to understand, but we have faith that it will happen. People who don't believe in Christ do not measure time in this way, but we do. The measurement of time depends on your perspective. Our perspective is focused on Jesus Christ.

Continue praying for healing for Louise, Aileen, Sam, Mark, and Pam.

Have a wonderful day!

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