Thursday, August 12, 2010

On your knees

Good morning Trinity Tribe,

I hope you are all well! My wonderful husband, Mark, is almost finished with the bathroom renovations, so I have been putting things away and cleaning all morning. I even did some cleaning last night while he was working. It doesn't look like it when you look in my office, but I will finish shortly! ;-)

I was on my knees cleaning the toilet and began to think. Why do we pray on our knees? Of course, there are references to it in the bible. Like I Kings 8:54: When Solomon had finished all these prayers and supplications to the LORD, he rose from before the altar of the LORD, where he had been kneeling with his hands spread out toward heaven.

For me today, I prayed while I cleaned the toilet. That is not a glamorous job, by any stretch of the imagination. However, it is something that MUST be done! I can't think of a better time to pray. For me, it reminded me that I am merely a creation of an awesome God. I need to be humble. I need to pray often, in all of the normal daily things. I don't have to pray in the church at the altar exclusively. God wants us to pray during all that we do. God wants us to do worshipful work…no matter if that is cleaning toilets or balancing spreadsheets or typing legal briefs. No matter what we do, if we do it with an eternal attitude and as worship, it is pleasing to God.

Enjoy your worshipful work today! I am off to the New Pastor's luncheon and then back here to finish cleaning up my mess, worshipfully!

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