Monday, August 16, 2010

Bam! Getting clubbed by a devotion!

Good morning Trinity Tribe!

How is your Spiritual Fitness this morning? In terms of my physical fitness, I will report that we walked as a family last night, and I walked this morning! ;-)

I am in the middle of the Evangelism Committee for the North Carolina Conference. I was personally convicted by our devotional this morning. Carol led us in an imaginative reading where we put ourselves in Martha's shoes. We have so many busy things to do. We are juggling balls and spinning plates. Then we talk to Jesus. He loves us. He reminds us of what is really important. Then we name those burdens. Then we lay them down. And walk away.

I am terrible about asking for help. Just ask Mark about how I battle with this. I was convicted in this devotional time. I need to continue to work on asking for people to help me. I have been so busy with moving and unpacking that I haven't asked for help.

So, here I will give it a go…

If you were not in worship yesterday, I, and the Education/Fellowship committee, need help pulling off the Family Fun Night…the Back to School Edition. We need snow cone makers. Shoppers. Hot dog cookers. Smiling welcoming faces. I personally need several someones to help get the equipment back to Fort Bragg on the Monday afterwards. Mark is having surgery, so I don't have his help! ;-)

So, prayerfully consider helping this event happen next Sunday, August 22nd from 5-7pm.

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