Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just happening….

Good morning Trinity Tribe!

I hope you are all well! We got several more boxes unpacked last night, and I even unpacked one or two this morning! Mark is putting the finishing touches on the renovation of the bathroom here at the office, and it looks GREAT! One day soon, we will be organized! ;-)

I sent out an email yesterday afternoon because I noticed that the Red Springs Senior Citizens will be gathering at Trinity on Friday. I asked if the event "just happened." What I really meant, was did the group manage itself or is that something that we, as a host church, manage. And it turns out that the later is the case, of course.

Church is a place where you think things "just happen." People joke that "the church mice" did this or that. What does that say about church and church people?

First, people choose to invest in church, both the organization and the people. What would Trinity be without the people over the years who have chosen to invest time in doing the piddly things like polishing the brass or organizing the archives or making sure the newsletter went out? These are not things that people put a plaque up to praise your work. These, instead, are the unnoticed things. People who count the offering after church or make sure the flowers are watered are the unsung heroes of our community. They don't HAVE to do what they do. Instead, they choose to invest of themselves, of their time, and often of their financial means to get things done that need doing. Other people invest in people themselves. Who here can't name names of Sunday School teachers or choir directors or youth leaders that impacted our lives? Other people invested in us and in our development as Christians. For example, I went to visit Betsy last week. I found out that David and Patricia had been to see her just the day before. Betsy had been the youth director here at Trinity. She meant a lot to them, so they took the time to visit her down in Lumberton at Wesley Pines. She had invested in them and in their family, so they returned the favor and paid her a visit. That shows how important it is to invest in others. In both arenas, we need more people that are willing to use their gifts for the good of the community at this church and in every church.

Secondly, the fact that things don't magically happen at church tell us that we are needed. Everyone who walks through our doors is important and needed. We don't want you to just warm up the pew from 11-12 on Sundays. We need your prayers for our ministries and for our people and for all the people hurting in the world. We need your presence. Church is not the same when you aren't here. We need your gifts…all of them, not just the financial ones. We need your expertise at hospitality or cooking or laughing or playing with children. No matter what your gifts are, we need them in this community. We need your service. There are many people in this community and around the world to serve. We also need your witness. Where has God worked in your life? Where is God working in your life right now? Who has invested in you? What has changed your heart?

In 1 Peter 4:9-11 the writer states, 9"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."

We are means of grace for other people. We can be a conduit for the Holy Spirit to act. God can use our words, our work, our witness, and even our countenance to touch other people and bring them to faith.

In what or whom will you invest yourself today? Will those investments have eternal reward?

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