Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Looking at ourselves

Good Morning Trinity Tribe!

I woke up with a nightmare this morning at 4, so I have already been hard at work on my sermon and my pastoral assessment this morning. The North Carolina Conference asks each pastor to assess his/her gifts for ministry and growing edges in ministry every year. The Pastor Parish Relations Committee also prayerfully considers each pastor's gifts and growing edges. We both create documents outlining gifts and growing edges. In this way, your ministers are always pushing themselves and receiving important feedback. This assessment is due in December, but your Pastor Parish Relations Committee is crackerjack and is already at work on this document!

Now, I will tell you that I like receiving feedback. However, I need to hear it in a context of love and helpfulness. Screaming at me or being sharply critical or deeply personal in critique is not easy for me to receive. You are probably the same way. Unfortunately in most realms of the world today, you only receive negative feedback. Few people stop to compliment the clerk when he/she makes the check-out experience at Food Lion enjoyable. However, many people will scream at the same employee if s/he messes up your order. Few people stop and thank the janitor. We have to have "holidays" like Teacher Appreciation for many teachers to be noticed or appreciated. And how many times do you hear people on ESPN or in the stands compliment the referees for a game that was well called?

I invite you this week to be mindful about positive feedback. Who can you give a real compliment to? Who can you notice to thank them for their service?

I also invite you to give me feedback. Did you find a sermon meaningful? Was something I did helpful or hurtful? Is there something that I missed? Do you have an idea on something I can improve on in preaching or teaching or some other area of ministry? Where do you see my gifts for ministry playing out? I need to know where I need to grow as a pastor and a person. I also need to hear that I have done something well.

I will be prayerfully considering these items as well. I will be taking a long look in the mirror this week as well as the next several months as I work towards writing my final papers for ordination. I invite you to participate in this journey with me.

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