Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Leaving a forwarding address

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are enjoying the sunshine and kids being out of school! If you will be traveling this weekend, I pray that you will have traveling mercies and no wrecks on the highway! We are heading to Kentucky to have a brief visit with Mark's 80 year old mother and two brothers. We will get to see his daughter, Claire, briefly. All in all exciting, but a short visit compared to the long drive. Sigh…

I got, what I hope is the last, "unable to forward/no such address" returned November newsletter. I have a whole stack of people that I do not have forwarding addresses on. (If you are not getting our newsletter, please let me have your address. It is good reading!) Are we like that with God sometimes? I know I have been. When something bad has happened, I have shut down. I have quit praying. I have pouted. I have pretended that I have not left God a forwarding address so that God's love can get to me. Of course, that is ludicrous since God's love is never ending and always surrounding me, however I have certainly felt unlovable even to God.

It brings this scripture to mind: "God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them" (NLT, 1 John 4:16). God is love. We cannot escape God's love, even when we feel lower than dirt. We cannot escape God's love when we hate ourselves. We cannot escape God's love when we feel like no one loves us. God loves us. Period. No matter what.

I pray that you feel God's love today and everyday.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Remember to sign up for Christmas at Camp which is 10am on Saturday, December 4th. Sign up also for our trip on December 6th to the Southern Supreme Fruitcake factory.

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