Monday, November 22, 2010


Hello Trinity Tribe,

I hope you are enjoying the sunshine today! We started out foggy but the sun broke through!

In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul writes, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." The old liturgical church year is passing away and this Sunday the new church year begins with Advent. I am thinking about how we change from the old calendar year into the new one. We have parties. We throw streamers. We make a huge mess in Times Square. We write New Year's Resolutions. The feeling at the beginning of the church year is quite different. It will sneak in while we are still fat and happy from the turkey on Thursday. I haven't ordered any streamers or balloons.

However, it is an important time for the church and for our personal piety. We spend the four weeks prior to Christmas Day preparing our hearts for the birth of Jesus as well as preparing our hearts and our lives for Jesus' coming in glory and final victory. Advent is a time of self-reflection…of fasting…of good works…of prayer…of making our hearts soft and ready to house the baby Jesus.

We will light Advent candles. We will dream of stars. We will listen for the rumble and jumble of the shepherds.

How will you prepare you heart this Advent for Christ?

At Bible study this evening, we will contemplate this very thing. Please join us at 6:45 in the Education Building.

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