Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Talking it out

Good morning Trinity Tribe!

The United Methodist Church launched a redesigned website aimed at spiritual seekers on December 15th. invites visitors to question, discuss, get involved and make a difference. They advertised this website on cable TV channels like Comedy Central and MTV over the holidays. That subset of the UMC produced the videos that we loaded on our Facebook page as well as the dramatic readings we used during the worship services in Advent. I am glad that the UMC is using media that young people use in order to engage them in conversation. I was browsing through the website and stumbled upon this post on one of the discussion boards:

I don't know what I am or who I am; just that I want to help:
by lauragurl

I'm an agnostic teenager... I was raised a presbyterian but I no longer have faith in who I am or what I belive. I want to know who to belive in but I cant seem to find a single religion that mirrors my very beliefs. I want to help people though... I want to give back to the world, i just want to know how to do it... I'm so young I can't change anything, I have to sit here helplessly when there's people out there dying. How can I change the world before I'm legal? and through this can I find my faith that I lost so long ago

So, Trinity Tribe, what would you say to lauragurl? How would you say it? How can she change the world? If this was written by one of the teenagers in our church, what would you say? What can teenagers in Red Springs do to change the world?

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