Monday, December 27, 2010

Being invitational

Good evening everyone in the Trinity Tribe!

I hope you are safe and warm tonight! With the weather, Claire's flight got postponed until tomorrow. So, I will not be in the office until later in the afternoon. I will be doing the newsletter then. So, please get me any information you want included in it by afternoon.

If you want to make a gift to the church that will be eligible for 2010 tax deductions, feel free to call and I can meet you during the week or you can drop by in the mornings.

Lots of people make new year's resolutions this time of year. I know I have made resolutions about exercising and being better about sabbath in the past. Many people assess the state of their lives at this time of year as well. I had shared tips for increasing worship attendance several weeks back. The last two bits of advice seem very applicable at this time of year:

15. Know that personal invitations are the most effective method of increasing worship attendance. Invest sixty seconds once a week to invite someone to attend worship with you.

16. Continue to invite a person every two months even if they decline your invitations. Those invited may eventually come to a season of life when they are receptive to attending worship. Regular invitations are more likely to overlap one of these seasons.

What if we all had a short list of people that we are praying for to become Christian and/or visit our church?

What if we were also be on the look out for people who are in a season of their lives that would make them open to hearing about how Jesus can change your life? We never know what one kind word could mean to someone in a difficult spot. The fact that you or I got through a difficult time might give someone else the hope that they can get through a difficult time. The way we live our lives might make someone wonder how we can be peaceful when our lives are so hectic. We just never know how God may use us to speak to someone else. So, we always have to be ready!

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