Monday, December 20, 2010

Music in the air

Good Morning Trinity Tribe,

I pray that you are well this morning! I am busily trying to get three bulletins together for the next week. December 26th is done. I just need two for Christmas Eve! Yay for progress!

If your children are home this week and complain of boredom, I could use some more bulletin covers for Christmas Eve and on into January. Pen and ink works best but very dark pencil seems to copy well.

If you were not in worship on Sunday, you missed a treat! The Cantata was AMAZING! Thank you to Penny and the whole choir for all their very hard work! The music was wonderful and the words were meaningful! We especially thank Joseph (Penny's grandson) for setting up a sound system that enabled everyone to hear well.

Being able to hear something makes a big difference. I know as we grow older it is so frustrating to not be able to hear like we once did. Many people we know suffer…and I mean suffer…because they cannot hear certain frequencies or certain sounds or in certain places like ones with lots of background noise. Not being able to hear causes hurt feelings, sadness, and a sense of isolation.

Sometimes we have a hard time hearing God's voice as God speaks to us. I know it has taken God hitting me with a 2x4 sometimes for me to listen to God. I find it especially hard to hear God when there is a lot going on.

In Hebrews 4:12, we find this verse: For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

I invite us all to take some time to listen to God over the Christmas holidays. It might mean that we have to get up earlier than everyone else. It might mean that we need to take a time-out from all the chaos of wrapping and shopping and cooking. However, if we take that time to listen, really listen, God has many things to tell us.

Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone.

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