Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas giving

Good morning Trinity Tribe,

I pray that you are being careful if you have to be out this morning. There is certainly ice out there, so be slow and wear golf shoes today!

One of the things I like best about being United Methodist is our connection to other churches. We are not some island of a congregation. We, instead, are connected to other United Methodists all over the world and even in our backyard. We may not all do things the same, but we are connected at a deep level because of our theology and love for Christ. Because we are connected, we can do more good than if we were just one church by ourselves. I may never go to Africa, but money I have returned to God through Trinity United Methodist Church, is in Africa right now, caring for others, allowing people to be educated at Africa University, and helping orphans develop businesses that support them and their siblings.

While some of the money that the UMC collects goes around the world, most of it stays here at home. One way we can all participate in that, is the district Christmas offering. It is traditional for churches to give the offering collected on Christmas Eve to one worthy project in the District. For example, one year in the Fayetteville District, we gave the money to help one of the pastors pay for his daughter's kidney transplant. This year, our offering will go to the restoration of St. George's UMC church. The building has become unusable for worship due to structural issues. The entire Maxton community has rallied around this church….providing a place to worship and financial support to the rebuilding effort.

Here is what our wonderful District Superintendent, Leonard Fairley, had to say about our Christmas Eve offering this year:

The 2010 Rockingham District Christmas offering is designated for St. George United Methodist Church Restoration Project. This project has been embraced by the entire Maxton Ministerial Alliance. I have had the joy of being present at each of the events sponsored by the City of Maxton Ministerial Alliance, and have come away each time with a new appreciation of how the different denominations and races have partnered together to help restore this historic African American Church. I am asking each church in the Rockingham District to prayerfully give generously, and join this effort to restore one of the district’s historic churches. Please know that my prayers are always with each of you as we continue to partner together in kingdom building.

I wanted you to be informed about what a wonderful opportunity we have to do something meaningful for a church just down the road.

“Through him we received both the generous gift of his life and the urgent task of passing it on to others . . . .
You are who you are through this gift and call of Jesus Christ!”
--Romans 1:5-6, The Message

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