Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Patience and blessing

Good morning Trinity Tribe,

On one of our last full days of vacation, we went to the lighthouse at Ponce Inlet near Daytona Beach. It was a very nicely kept lighthouse and museum. Kayla was a real trouper and climbed 203 steps up and most of them down. After we left the lighthouse we went over to the state park nearby. It was really neat as well. We went out on the pier and saw all the fishermen. It was cold, but the surf was beautiful! There were jellyfish everywhere! We left the beach and walked into the maritime forest area. Kenna and Hanna found a trail and we followed it. And followed it. And followed it In one bend of the trail we found a piece of a sunken ship. It wasn't very old since it had metal screws holding the porthole on, but it was still pretty cool. By this time, I was cold and had had about enough nature for one day. However, the girls still wanted to explore. They hadn't gotten to the end of the trail yet. I sighed and kept following the pirates on their quest for treasure. That is when we found the real treasure. We came out on the inlet into a cove area. Then we saw the first fin…and then another…and then another! There was a pod of wild dolphins in the bay! There were just yards away from us! They were BEAUTIFUL! And so fun to watch. They would dive…we were so close we could hear the air escape their blow holes! Then they would dive again! We watched them until they disappeared into the open ocean! What a beautiful sight! I will never forget it! I was blessed by the beauty of God's creation because of perseverance. I Corinthians 13:4 says, Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant." And James 5:8 says, You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand."

When times are tough…you are tired….you are cold…you are "done" with whatever the task is…sometimes it is best to persevere. In the perseverance we can be blessed immeasurably.

Be on the lookout for God's little blessings today!

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