Tuesday, January 04, 2011

New Year!

Good morning everyone,

It was lovely to have so many people stop by the parsonage yesterday. If you didn't have a chance to come by, we have lots of cookies left so stop by another time. ;-)

When I took Kayla to Peterson this morning, it was neat to see her greet her friends. They hadn't seen each other in two weeks and were thrilled to be together again. Ms. McNeil had all the kids line up and do the "New Shoe Dance" since almost everyone got new shoes for Christmas! It was hilarious to see the Kindergarten dance moves! Kayla has good rhythmn, but some of the other kids just don't. They were all just adorable, though.

The kindergarteners greeting one another reminds me of how God greets us. No matter if we prayed 5 minutes ago or 5 years ago, God is thrilled to hear from us. We can whine to God. We can scream at God. We can tell God thank you. No matter the emotion, God wants to hear from us.

Let's all spend some time with God today sharing what is REALLY on our hearts. We don't have to be ashamed or afraid. God wants to hear what we have to say.

Blessings to you all!

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