Monday, September 13, 2010

Why do you go to church?

Good Morning Trinity Tribe,

I don't know about you, but I am still mourning the loss of four of our tribe last week. Continue to keep all five of these families in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you again to all that cooked and cleaned and copied and folded and played!

I hear Aileen is making more and more progress! Keep lifting her and her family up in prayer too!

Yesterday in worship we talked about one of the reasons to go to church, community. We need community to be accountable to, to help us when the going gets rough, and to help keep our flame of faith burning brightly.

So, I thought I might ask: Why do you go to church? If you would either email me back or post your thoughts on our Facebook page, I would be grateful!

And I will be the first person to start.

Why do I go to church? I go to church for a lot of different reasons. I find church comforting. Things are familiar, even as new as I am in the congregation. I like getting hugs and handshakes. I enjoy the music. I feel God in the music. I need accountability. I truly need to have people ask how I am doing and how things are going with my walk with Christ. If I don't have a place to be accountable, I might just skip practicing my faith. I find worship fun as well.

I am working from home today. I am spread out all over the dining room table working on Advent.

Blessings to you all!


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