Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Road Trip!

Good morning Trinity Tribe,

I hope this note finds you all well…full of a healthy breakfast…full of excitement for the day!

I am feeling more and more at home here in Red Springs even though I haven't officially moved in yet! I am learning more people's names. I didn't get lost yesterday. I even had my first strange dream about Trinity! I don't remember the story line, but the dream was definitely set here. I keep having moments where I feel comfortable, like when you snuggle under a blanket on the sofa and watch old movies as the snow falls outside. One of those cozy moments happened yesterday at Wesley Pines, the United Methodist sponsored elder care facility in Lumberton.

Trinity has two long-time members who now reside there. Betsy was once the church secretary and gave lots to this church. Dot was a faithful member who volunteered at the church. One of our United Methodist Women's Circles took a road trip to visit them yesterday. We picked up our two friends and dined with them in a private area of the dining room there at Wesley Pines. We shared a wonderful meal! We laughed! We shared stories! We cracked a joke or two. It was a moment that captured what Christian fellowship is all about. I had only met our two guests of honor a week prior, yet we could hug and laugh like old friends. We swapped stories! While I don't know all the Trinity stories, but I am learning. It is such a blessing to be a part of people's lives. I am honored and grateful that I get to do that.

When was the last time you made a visit to a nursing home? Or when was the last time you paid a visit to someone who doesn't get out much? I know that people in their 30s and 40s, we aren't used to dropping by and visiting people. That requires cleaning our messy houses! We are often so busy that we don't have time for such things anyway. However, I think it is a lost art that we could easily capture. It feels so good to sip ice tea and listen to stories of times gone by. It is also neat to share stories of times today. It is then we learn that things have changed, but they aren't that different somehow. No matter the decade, teenagers look forward to the freedom of a drivers license…ice cream tastes good on a hot day…and people worry about the future…

I look forward to hearing your stories and sharing some of mine!

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