Monday, July 19, 2010

Going Postal

Part of my routine of the day is dropping by our local United States Post Office to get the mail from Box 48. Today, I actually saw our friendly, neighborhood Postmaster/Church member, Kathy McGirt! I think it is really neat to see people you know in leadership positions in the town. Plus, seeing people you recognize and recognize you is always a great way to start the day! Does it drive you nuts when you see someone who should recognize you not even speak to you? I admit that it hurts my feelings! We need to feel part of a community, it's in our DNA. We need to feel noticed. We need to feel important.

How well do we do that at Trinity? Are we good at noticing people aren't here and then doing something about it? Are we good at recognizing people for accomplishments? Are we good at helping people with their struggles?

Are there people we know that should be at church but aren't? If so, have we invited them to church lately? Would it be possible to invite them to come over after next week's worship service for a sandwich?

Or was that person who usually sits in the pew behind us absent yesterday or the week prior? Here comes the hard questions: did we do something about it? Did we pick up the phone to check on that person? Did we send them a note?

Could we at Trinity take on a ministry via the Post Office? Could we write notes to our homebound members? Could we put cards in the mail when you hear that a child or teenager did something cool at school?

This is an area that I need some help with. I am to the point where I know a lot of names, but I don't always know when people are on vacation or sick. I'm not plugged into the grapevine quite yet! ;-) I don't always know when a kid gets straight A's or wins a prize in 4-H. However, I do want to know. Since we are all family in this church, it isn't bragging to share the excitement you feel about your child's good grades or the concern you feel over your neighbor's illness. God knew that we need support from others. That is why he gave us to each other as the Body of Christ.

So, I invite you to make a phone call…send a note…send an email… Let one of your brothers or sisters in Christ know that he or she matters to you. Let them know that you recognize them as the wonderful creation of God that they are. Let them know that they are missed when they are gone from the Body. Let them know that you are proud of them and that you care. So, excuse me while I get a note and a pen...

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