Saturday, November 12, 2005

Up and up...

What a great feeling that was, climbing to the top of my parents' magnolia tree with my sister and my friends. You could see forever up there at the top. The breeze was so invigorating! Sometimes the tree would be a pirate ship. Sometimes it was the Bat Cave. (We did have to suspend reality for that one...the elevator for the Bat Cave had to go up instead of down!) When you are nine years old, it is so easy to suspend reality. Perhaps, we adults should take a clue from the kids in our lives. Where is the joy in your life? Where do we put aside the harsh reality of life and enjoy it!

I am learning that you need to put down all the junk and live a little. I am listening to more music. I am taking better care of myself. I am spending time with my friends and family. I no longer am stuffing my schedule full so that I don't have to spend time on myself. I am spending time with myself and realizing that I am pretty cool!

I claim happiness! God created me to feel joy with the pain. I am choosing the joy!

Peace out,

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