Tuesday, October 25, 2005


There are times in your life where joy seems like a tangible thing. Kindergarten seems full of those. When else in your life can you strip down to your underwear and paint whatever you want? No one has told you that you can't draw, so you draw these fabulous pictures. No one has told you that you aren't pretty or perfectly proportioned so you are still comfortable in your own skin. Everyone is your friend in Kindergarten, even the kid who spends lots of time in time out. You are beginning to get a handle on how this thing called life works. Everything is an adventure!

I think I am in the middle of returning to kindergarten. I have found a joy in life that has been missing for a long, long time. I am finally becoming comfortable in my own skin again. I have made a new friend who has opened my eyes to some cool stuff. I am being a better friend to a lot of people. I am beginning to get into an equilibrium in my life. I could use some adventure though!

Joy to the World,
Mary Frances

1 comment:

Marty said...

Congrats on finding equilibrium. I hope you find adventure.