Sunday, October 30, 2005

Power of water

Today I did something that not many people get the privledge to do, I was used by the Holy Spirit to speak the word of God. Pretty cool actually! People say that there is nothing that can prove God's existence. If that is the case, then I could not do what I do. I am not the person who lives for public speaking. I do it with fear and trepidation. I lack some self confidence (which I am addressing with psychotherapy, I might add), the ability to tell jokes, lots of clever stories, and that sexy, velvety radio announcer voice. Luckily, all of that is irrelevant when you deal with the Holy Spirit. If you listen for what the HS wants you to tell God's people, you do a good job! I grasped tightly to that the whole time I prepared. It is so funny, though, that the HS told me to say things through my research. I was still nervous since my parents were in the congregation!

This is the message that the Holy Spirit wanted out and about: You do not have to stay as a sinful, ugly, jagged parking lot rock. You can ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior and be immediately washed smooth through Jesus' sacrifice like a beautiful skipping rock is worn smooth in the power of the river. Jesus has some pretty powerful water to wash clean all my sins.

Life as a conduit is pretty darn cool!

Peace out,
Mary Frances

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


There are times in your life where joy seems like a tangible thing. Kindergarten seems full of those. When else in your life can you strip down to your underwear and paint whatever you want? No one has told you that you can't draw, so you draw these fabulous pictures. No one has told you that you aren't pretty or perfectly proportioned so you are still comfortable in your own skin. Everyone is your friend in Kindergarten, even the kid who spends lots of time in time out. You are beginning to get a handle on how this thing called life works. Everything is an adventure!

I think I am in the middle of returning to kindergarten. I have found a joy in life that has been missing for a long, long time. I am finally becoming comfortable in my own skin again. I have made a new friend who has opened my eyes to some cool stuff. I am being a better friend to a lot of people. I am beginning to get into an equilibrium in my life. I could use some adventure though!

Joy to the World,
Mary Frances

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Fabulous People

Sometimes you just need to sit and realize how fabulous the people that surround you in life are. I have two creative, smart, wonderful, and beautiful children. I have some really great friends who have been there for me in tangible ways during the last two crazy years of my life. I have a best friend who has listened to all my stories. I have a new friend who just amazes me. My friend singing above has such a sweet spirit and encourages everyone she talks to. I am very lucky!

Life is good!

Saturday, October 15, 2005


A hero. Some one you look up to usually because they are smarter or stronger or better looking. What is it that makes us need to compare ourselves to others?

My daughters met their heroes today. We drove three hours to see a concert at the Cotton Ginning Days festival. What a treat! The Peasall Sisters were lovely! The music was wonderful and the weather was just right for a festival. Life is good!

Peace out,

Thursday, October 13, 2005


9,000 Christian leaders all in one small space! What could be better? Not my best photograph but I was impacted by the conference. You would think that I could just ignore the speakers. But, no. One of the speakers spoke directly to me about something I have been struggling with. God is great and mysterious!

Peace out,

First timer

First days...
The first day of school...what a monumental occasion. Everything is new. You know no one. The world really is your oyster as you enter Kindergarten. Funny, that you hardly even remember such a beginning.

Here are thoughts and photos about my life and when my life intersects other people's lives.

Peace out,