Thursday, June 14, 2007

Do Over...

There are times of life when you get a do over. Perhaps yours was when you moved in the middle of junior high and got to lose the nickname, Skippy. Perhaps, you had your do over as you headed to college and could shed all those constrictions and assumptions about you from high school. I am in the middle of my latest do over. I have spent the last 4 years at beautiful Duke Divinity School cramming my head full of Christian lingo, doctrine, polity, and biblical knowledge. I am done! I have my diploma, nicely framed I might add!

I have also spent the last four years watching my life crumble around my ears and then fighting to put it back together bit by bit. One of last bricks of this part of my life is about to be put back....I am now a home owner again! I have my own place! It is small but is all mine! What a blessing it will be! We have blackberries growing behind the house. We can put up a fence and get a dog. I get to mow grass again! Woo Hoo!

I am also blessed to be sent to an amazing and wonderful church. They really love Jesus and other people. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for my ministry there! God has led me there, and I am excited! Check out what is up at Salem!

Four years ago I could not picture being in this spot. I could not have made it to this point without God guiding and protecting me. I could not have made it to this place without people loving and caring for me, making sure I ate, making sure I had some fun occasionally, and praying for and with me! God is good! Thank you!

Peace out,
