Friday, June 02, 2006

Boot Camp

Boot camp brings up pictures of Private Benjamin, A Few Good Men, and lots of push ups for me. I got to go to boot camp this month. However, I did not wear anything green or learn to fire a gun. I went to Licensed Local Pastor School, which we affectionately call “Pastor Boot Camp.” Here in nine days, twelve hours a day, twenty-three men and women learned a bit of what it will take all of us to become a pastor as of July 2, 2006.

In the United Methodist Church, clergy must be ordained as an elder, be a probationary elder, or have a license to preach. Those ordained as elders or licensed as local pastors are called to Word, Service, Sacrament, and Order. We are charged with ordering the church, preaching the word, serving the world, and performing the sacraments.

With this license in hand, I can officiate at weddings, funerals, and baptisms. I can even officiate at communion! I am so excited for this opportunity to serve the church in this way! I get to live in the space between God and the people of the church. It is a place that I, and my twenty-two new friends, do not go into without apprehension and flippancy.

I went into this week…let’s say less than thrilled. I knew I had to spend 9 days away from my children and my friends and my church. Horror upon horror! Plus, I thought that I didn’t really need to be there. What could the pastor teaching the day of instruction on preaching teach me that one of the country’s best homileticians at Duke Divinity School didn’t teach me in two semesters of work? Why am I thousands upon thousands of dollars in debt??? Is my Divinity School education worthless???

Yes, I heard things I had heard before. (I am sure other people felt the same way, divinity school or not.) Yes, I had to sleep on a single bed in a dorm. Yes, I had to share a bathroom with 10 women I didn’t know. Yes, I had to go to class 12 hours a day some days. Yes, I took 50+ pages of notes.

However, the week was wonderful! I met twenty-two absolutely fabulous people to be in ministry with and prayer for! What a blessing! I got to hear God speaking to me in the middle of Rocky Mount! I got to run 3 miles every day! I got to eat great food at the cafeteria. (I really mean that too! Yeah NC Wesleyan!) I got to visit my aunt in the nursing home twice! Woo Hoo! Pretty much couldn’t be better other than the nine days…

I am so glad that I went! I admit that I was wrong! Yeah God! God is so funny in the way that God chooses to work. I hadn't decided to have a miserable time, but I wasn't particularly open to the Holy Spirit either. Well, the HS didn't need me to have a completely open mind. The HS was able to break my heart and my stubborn will and flood me with the overwhelming, all-absorbing love of God. God is so very good! I am so glad that God doesn't rely on me all the time! I just can't do it all myself and am not right all the time! So amazing!
