Sunday, December 18, 2005

Red Dress

There is just something about wearing red that makes you feel sassy! You feel like you can take on the world! This weekend I had the honor and pleasure of being a bridesmaid in my friend Claire's wedding. It was a lot of fun dressing like a princess for the day. I have NEVER had that much hair spray in my hair in my life! It was rather amazing what Eunice did with a curling iron and 30 bobby pins.

It was great fun socializing and eating wedding cake! I was so glad to be a part of their special day!

I hope that you and yours have a really special day some time soon!

Peace out,

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Sometimes in life you get to be a princess! It is a lot easier to do when you are five and have costumes and plastic shoes at the ready. Luckily, there are times when you get to be a princess as an adult. Getting married is one of those times! But you know, it is sad that we treat people like a princess (or a prince) only at certain times of life or on certain days.

I think, perhaps, we should treat people like they are important, valued, and special every day! Perhaps that is a better and more healthy way to live life.

Can you make the waitress at your favorite restaurant feel valued? Do your children feel special, every day? Did you put a love note in someone's lunch box today? Does that special person in your life know, without a doubt, that he or she is the most important person in your life? Did you act, really act, on the feelings of love and affection you have? Did you do it today? If you didn't do it already, do it now!

One of my new favorite bands is SuperChik. You can check them out at

The last song on their latest album starts off with a verse about a mother who didn't tell her son that she loved him before he left for the day. He died before he returned home that day. The chorus goes like this...

We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
Today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
Today we remember to live and to love

I am going to remember to live and to love today!

Off to make someone else feel important...

Peace out,